Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Our crazy weekend

We knew it would happen one of these days, and sure enough, it did. Matt figured out how to escape his crib last week. At first it wasn't too bad because he was just getting up and out in the morning. Then, on Friday night when I put them to bed, Matt got out immediately. So, I was running up and down the stairs putting him back in--who needs a gym membership when you've got 3 boys under 2?! Finally, he stayed in his crib and went to sleep, until 4:00 a.m., that is. So, on Saturday at o-dark thirty the baby was up screaming, Matt was up, and then Thomas woke up, too. Meanwhile, Chris had come down with a terrible cold and was trying to sleep through it all. I managed to get everyone's diapers changed, and we were up for the day.

Now, all we had to do was come up with a plan so that I would be able to sleep again! We considered toddler beds, but then we figured we might as well jump right into bunk beds--we'd need them for the next many, many years anyway. So, we found a very nice set of bunk beds at Wal-Mart that can be twin beds until the boys are ready for them to be bunked up. We got mattresses and all the bedding, and while he felt terrible all day, Chris spent Saturday dismantling and re-assembling the twins' room. Anyone need a crib? We'll save one for Christian, but now we have an extra. Chris also had to take out the dresser so they wouldn't climb, fall, take out all the clothes, etc. He had to install some fancy gadgets on the sliding closet doors so the boys wouldn't open, close, smash fingers, etc. We had to turn the locking handle around for the door so that we could lock it from the outside--we can't have them escaping and running loose through the house!

Their first night was a bit traumatic. They didn't quite know what to think about their new room and beds. Eventually, they fell asleep, both in the same bed; they were so cute. Our room is right below theirs, and we heard a few thumps in the night. We might need to get some rails so they don't keep falling out of bed . . . luckily, it's carpeted, and there's a rug for extra padding. Plus, it's a pretty short fall. In the morning, they pulled lots of books off the bookcase and were playing in a sea of my prized picture book collection. So, we cleared all of my books out--one day they'll get to read them, but not right now! Last night they seemed to do a little better; still, I heard Matt fall out of bed once or twice.

They're up early again today, hence, here I am up early, too. Who knew blinds could be an endless source of fun? They keep banging them against the window and giggling.

So, this was one of our more difficult weekends, but we made it through, and really, it wasn't that bad in the larger scope of things.

Until next time . . .

j&c, m&t&c

1 comment:

The Milner Web Page said...

Hey Jane,
Looks like you have your hands full with 3 kids! I love the posting on the older boys new beds. Hope they have gotten better about not falling out of their new beds. Keep up the great work LOL!