Sunday, July 27, 2008

The babies are almost 3 months old!

It's hard to believe, but Matthew and Thomas will turn 3 months on Tuesday! They are both so big. Thomas is about 15 lbs, and Matthew is right behind him at about 14 lbs. Matthew is more high-strung and cries more than Thomas. Thomas is quiet and easy-going. The are still generally getting up twice in the night to eat, but sometimes Thomas will only get up once. They've outgrown their littliest onesies and are moving into level 2 diapers!

Love, j,c,m,&t

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Meme tagged from Jill

Jill tagged me to do a meme, so here goes . . .

Three Things...
THAT SCARE ME: That someone close to me will die, accidents, evil people

I LOVE: my family, my friends, and my pets...(yes, Jill & Kelli, this is identical to yours, but it's honestly what I would have put, too!)

I HATE: shopping, ironing, unloading the dishwasher, moving

I'M DOING RIGHT NOW: doing this meme, drinking coffee

I CAN DO: bookkeeping, play the piano (though I don't do it often), write pretty well

I CAN'T DO: crossword puzzles, remember details (have to write everything down!)

THAT ARE MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITE FOODS: pasta, hummus and pita, potatoes--prepared any way possible!

SHOWS I WATCHED WHEN I WAS A KID: Happy Days, Laverne and Shirley, Gilligan's Island, The Flintstones, Little House on the Prairie

I'm tagging these people to do the same meme on their blogs: Cheryl, Anthony

Saturday, July 12, 2008

The babies are already 2 months old!

Hello everyone! They had their 2-month check-up on Monday (and they turned 10 weeks on Tuesday). They're very healthy and have gained so much weight! Thomas is now 13 lbs and 24 inches. Matthew is 12 lbs, 6 oz, and 24 1/4 inches. They had two vaccines--I wanted to spread them out to one per visit, but the doctor talked us into two--so we went with the recommendation of the Dr. Sears Vaccine book, which was rotavirus and DTaP vaccines at 2 months. The rotavirus was oral, and the DTaP was a shot. The boys only cried briefly with the shot, and they seem to be fine. I saw on the news this week that an autism gene has been found. The gene is still there in autistic kids, it's just "idle." That is why behavior therapy has been successful--it can turn the gene back on. So, the story went on to say that now the challenge is to create a medication that turns the gene back on instead of using the behavior therapy. Hmmm, more medication! Perhaps it's the vaccines that are turning the gene off!! There was no mention of even trying to discover why the gene is idle in the first place.

Here are some more pictures.

* "Let me in the picture!"
* "Matt and Mommy"
* "Matt on Tummy Time"
* "Thomas on Tummy Time . . ."

Bye for now! Love, j&c and babies

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Herbs on a Roadtrip!

Last Friday we loaded up the car with baby gear and babies and went to Anaheim. I worked at the American Library Association convention for Baker & Taylor, while Chris hung out with Matthew and Thomas. He brought them by the booth each day for a little while, and it was fun to have my colleagues and many customers meet them. Friday we got to stop along the way and see Auntie Alicia in Yuma and Grandma Kathy in Oceanside. Then, Chris and the babies went back to Oceanside on Monday and spent the day with Grandma and Grandpa and Great Grandfather. We drove home on Tuesday and were all happy to be home. It was quite a feat to travel with these two little dudes!

Love, j&c and babies