On December 3 we took the little guys in for their 6-month check-up. It's hard to believe they're already 6 months old!! They're both doing great. Matt is 27" and 19 lbs, 2 oz, and Thomas is 27 1/2" and 20 lbs, 7 oz. They had their last rotavirus and dtap vaccinations, but I got a lecture from the doctor for not bringing them in for their pc and hib vaccines. We'll probably do these at the beginning of December. I'm just still ambivalent about vaccinating--the diseases are so rare, and I hate the idea of loading up their little systems with all these chemicals.
They are both great eaters now, and love eating their oatmeal, rice cereal, sweet potatoes, and apples. I need to make them more food--I've got butternut squash, apples, pears, and avocados to make for them. It's handy to freeze it all in little baby food jars, and just take it out as we need it each day. They're also starting to be able to hold their own bottles pretty well, especially Thomas.
Here are some new pics!
Love, j&c, m&t
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