Jill tagged me to do a meme, so here goes . . .
Three Things...
THAT SCARE ME: That someone close to me will die, accidents, evil people
I LOVE: my family, my friends, and my pets...(yes, Jill & Kelli, this is identical to yours, but it's honestly what I would have put, too!)
I HATE: shopping, ironing, unloading the dishwasher, moving
I'M DOING RIGHT NOW: doing this meme, drinking coffee
I CAN DO: bookkeeping, play the piano (though I don't do it often), write pretty well
I CAN'T DO: crossword puzzles, remember details (have to write everything down!)
THAT ARE MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITE FOODS: pasta, hummus and pita, potatoes--prepared any way possible!
SHOWS I WATCHED WHEN I WAS A KID: Happy Days, Laverne and Shirley, Gilligan's Island, The Flintstones, Little House on the Prairie
I'm tagging these people to do the same meme on their blogs: Cheryl, Anthony