Chris and I went to Phoenix Perinatal Associates today for our first doctor visit. This clinic specializes in multiples and high-risk pregnancies, so I wanted to have them as our care providers. We first met with Suzanne, the nurse practitioner, who gave me a brief physical and talked to us about what to expect with the twins. Then, we went to the ultrasound room with Paula, and we got to peek in at the little kidlets! They are just over 2 inches long each, and they both have good heartbeats--about 153 for Baby B and 167 for Baby A. Baby B was in a perfect position to see and measure. He (for ease of writing and reading, I'm referring to Baby B as "he" and Baby A as "she") appeared to be lounging on his back, with his foot in the air. He moved just a little bit, but was probably sleeping. We could see his profile, with his little nose, eye, and mouth.
Baby A was being shy, as well as very active. She wouldn't hold still for her pictures or heartrate! She was jumping and waving her hand. She looked right at us, so we got to see her face--she looks like a little skeleton face, but we could see her eyes, nose, and mouth.
Then, we met with our doctor, Doctor Lam. He is very nice and talked to us about all the things they'd be monitoring for the next several months. He wants to make sure I'm exercising at least 3 times per week--walking, swimming, or doing yoga. He said I will gain about 35 pounds, but I was thinking more like 40-60 from the book I'm reading. So, we'll see how it goes. He wants me to eat nutitionally dense foods, which I do try to eat, so there's not much change there. I will also start taking a calcium/magnesium supplement, which can help avoid pre-eclampsia (a dangerous high-blood pressure disorder which can occur). And, he wants me to stay on my daily baby aspirin.
OK, here they are--the baby pictures!!!
Baby B is in the first two.
Baby A is in the second two--her hand is in the first picture, and her face is in the second picture.