Saturday, August 20, 2011

Finally, a Post!

I can't believe how long it's been since I've posted on my blog! it's been quite a tough year for us, so I think I haven't really wanted to write about it. But, today is such a nice day, with time at home with my babies, getting chores done, and relaxing a little bit, that I'm motivated to post. I'm writing this on my new i-pad that I won through a contest a work--thank you Gale! It's so fun to have this little gadget. I'm suddenly so wired in with an i-phone, an i-pad, and a Kindle! Never thought I'd be into these things, but I'm really enjoying them. Mainly, I'm never without reading material!

So, to summarize our lives over 2011 thus far . . . we're now nearly completely out of the real estate business. We've lost all but one of our properties, including our home, in this real estate debacle of the last several years. One remaining property is going to also be gone within the month, thank goodness. We found a lovely home to rent in our same town and moved at the end of March. We're happy here--closer to church, where we go every Sunday and where the boys go to preschool. We are happy to be renting and free from the hassle and expense of home-ownership. Perhaps we'll own again one day, but for now, it feels good to be flexible and with reduced expenses. It's still tough to make ends meet, with only one salary, 3 kids, and Chris in school. More about that next . . .

Almost 3 years ago, Chris decided he wanted to become a physical therapist assistant. It took some prerequisites and two years on the waiting list before he finally started school in May. It's a program that will take until September of next year (2012), and so far he's doing great. He has the perfect background for this type of work--fitness and training--so he's able to understand and absorb the material right away. He's working at the Y one night a week and occasionally fills in as needed. We had a lady coming in to take care of the kids 15 hours a week, which was such a wonderful break for us--but even that became too expensive (over $700/mo), so we've had to give her up. The light at the end of the tunnel is that once Chris has his degree, he'll be able to find a good-paying job that will allow us to afford childcare without it eating up his entire paycheck and then some!

We started going to church about a year ago, and we're really happy there. It's amazing to me that I now have a husband who won't miss a Sunday (I think it's because there's free childcare!), who prays with our kids before bed when I'm out of town, and reads his Bible. So happy to have a Godly husband!

I'm still super happy at my job with B&T, though we're suffering with the economy. Library budgets are way down as cities, states, counties, and the federal government all try to deal with huge declines in revenue and climbing expenses. There are some exciting things happening though, mainly the sky-rocketing interest in all sorts of digital media. My company is just launching its own library platform for digital materials, so it's a fun time to be out talking to libraries.

Let's see . . . pets. We still have 3 dogs--Jessie, Brady, and Coco. We are down to one cat--Moonie. We finally lost Chico this week; Chris had this sweet black cat for 18 years, so he had a good life.

The twins are back in 3-year-old preschool 2 days a week for 3 hours. They love it. Christian will start into the 2-year-old class in October when he turns 2. They are all doing great and are growing and changing so fast--it's so fun to watch them.

I've been having a tough spring with a cough that won't go away. I finally got to the doctor, and it turns out I have a partially collapsed lung. A CT scan couldn't give any clue to a cause, so I'm now set to see a pulmonologist on the 30th. Hoping to get my lungs back at 100% one of these days! Maybe then I won't feel as tired and will be motivated to start running or yoga again.

I'm sure I'm missing a bunch of stuff, but this is the gist!

So blessed to have the best life in the world--3 beautiful little boys, a wonderful husband, loving family and friends--couldn't ask for more!