Hi Everyone!
Sorry it's been so long since I've posted. I forgot to take any pictures of our big birthday party bash, and I've been paralyzed since then!! It's so disappointing to have had such a nice day with wonderful family, friends, kids, and cake and have no picture record of it!
It's October, my very favorite month. It's finally getting a little cooler so that we can spend time outside. A couple of Saturday's ago we went to a birthday party at a local park for our friends, Dave & Kate's little boy Brayden, which was really fun. Later that evening Alicia and Scott (picture of him wiped out on the chair!) and Gramps came over to babysit for us while Chris and I got to go out for a date night! It was really nice to enjoy a dinner out together. It was quite embarrassing, though, when after dinner we were too tired to do anything else and were home by 9!
Baby Christian is finally holding his own bottle. This is a nice step to free us up a little bit. For the longest time he preferred that someone else hold it. It seems to me the twins held their bottles much earlier--I think that was probably out of desperation! Christian is also very, very close to walking. He cruises all around and holds on to our hands and walks very well. It's just a matter of time before he's on his own.
We're looking forward to Christmas! Mom is coming out for 10 days. And, we're getting the boys all baptized on December 19!
Matt loves trains, and we watch Thomas the Tank Engine non-stop, day in and day out . . . Thomas love planes. Christian plays with whatever the twins will let him have, until they decide they want it back.
Thought I'd post the picture of our family room--it doesn't always look like that--this was just one particularly horrifying day!! Avert your eyes all you neat people out there!
Chris is enjoying his new job at the physical therapy clinic, and everything's going well at B&T. Looking forward to an evening out tonight at the Phoenix Public Library's Dinner in the Stacks Foundation fund-raiser.
I think that's all!
Love, j&c, m&t&c