Sorry it's been so long since I've updated our blog!! I don't have a lot of time available as you might imagine. This is my last week before I head back to work on Monday. It has gone so fast!! We've been doing a lot of cleaning and organizing. We're always trying to stay one step ahead of the twins to keep them in a safe place. They are climbing everything in sight! We basically moved everything out of the living room except the couch and chair and their toys. It's gated in, and they have the entire run of the room. Earlier this week we moved everything off the carpet and cleaned the carpet. We moved the bookcase into the family room, and I cleaned and organized that. Then, since I was in the cleaning mode, I cleared out 4 bags of clothes from my closet and took them to Goodwill. I still need to go through my dresser and get that cleaned out. I guess I'm still nesting!!
The twins went to the doctor last week for their 18-month check-up. They're doing great. They haven't gained much weight; they're still at about 27 or 28 lbs. They're tall, at 34". Christian had his check-up yesterday. He has gained 3 lbs since he was born and is now up to 10 1/2 lbs. He's grown 1 1/2 inches to 21 1/2". We blessed that they're all healthy and doing just fine.
That's all for now!
Love, j&c, m&t&c