We had their 15-month check-up yesterday, and they're doing just great! Matt is now 27 lbs and 32 1/2 inches tall. He's in the 75th percentile for his weight and 90th percentile for his height. Thomas is almost exactly the same--27 lbs and 32 inches tall. This makes him in the 75th percentile for both. They had their last PC and HIB shots, so that wraps up all the shots they're going to have for several years. We used the modified plan of vaccinating suggested by Dr. Sears.
I had my doctor's appointment on Monday, and all's well with me and the new little guy, too. I've gained about 16 lbs, which is good. They said to gain 20-25. I have just under 8 weeks to go!! No signs of any problems, thankfully. In two weeks, we'll go in for an ultrasound to check out how the little one is growing and developing. We're looking forward to that.
Chris got a job at the Y! We're very excited about this. It's part-time and very flexible, so we'll be able to work it out with my schedule and one of us will always be able to be with the babies. He worked at the Y in Encinitas for many years, so he's familiar with most everything there. He started last evening.
I'll post some new pics soon.
Love, j&c, m&t