Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
More details and pics!

Here are some more details. On Monday, April 28, the hospital called at about 8:30 a.m. and asked if we were ready to deliver some babies! As you know, I had been very eager for them to arrive (Chris wasn't as impatient!), so I was very excited that it was finally time. Mom took a picture of us just before we left--my last pregnant picture.
We got checked into the hospital (Banner Good Samaritan, in downtown Phoenix) and had a nice room with really good nurses. The resident doctor, Dr. Harmon, checked on me, and in consultation with my perinatal doctor, Dr. Lam, decided they'd start pitocin--this began at 2:00 p.m., and I started into labor. They had me on an IV and the babies' heartbeats were constantly being monitored. Everything was going along just fine. I started to have some pain, so the anesthesiologist came in and gave me an epidural--this helped tremendously! My legs were completely numb, which was kind of uncomfortable, but it was much better than the pain.
It turned out to be a very busy night at the hospital! I was basically ready to deliver the babies in the middle of the night, but since I was doing so well, several other mothers were put ahead of me with emergencies. They wanted to deliver the babies in the operating room, just in case anything happened with either of the twins. They were especially concerned about the 2nd baby; sometimes, once the first one is delivered, the 2nd one will turn and be breech, necessitating a c-section.
Finally, at about 4:30 a.m., they moved me to the operating room, and Matthew arrived at 5:18 a.m. Chris got to see and hold him fairly quickly, once the nurses got him checked out, and he was doing well. He also got to cut the umbilical cord.
We started to try to deliver Thomas, but he wasn't quite ready and was still head-down and doing fine. So, they decided to give me a break and move me back to my original room. I got to spend time with Matthew for a couple of hours before his brother came.
Then, the pain medication started to wear off, and I was in a lot of pain. The doctor came back and sent more medicine through the epidural, and I was much more comfortable. The doctors and nurses were in no rush--it turns out, it's best for the babies to sort of make their own way out! So, finally, the nurse decided Thomas was ready. It didn't take long, and he was nearly born, and she quickly called the doctors in--Dr. Harmon and Dr. Sawai. Thomas arrived at 8:01 a.m.; I got to hold him immediately which was amazing. Chris also cut his umbilical cord.
Then, the doctors had trouble with the placentas and I lost a lot of blood and started to feel incredibly nauseous. Then I blacked out. My blood pressure went down to 65/32. It was a very scary feeling. The doctors sent a lot of fluid through my IV and luckily were able to get me stabilized. I came to, and I felt a lot better.
My mom was there the entire time with us, except for delivery, and Chris's parents arrived the next morning. We stayed in the hospital until Thursday, and it was a pretty rough couple of days getting used to the babies. We seem to be getting adjusted now, and Mom has been a huge help. We're looking forward to Dad and Shari arriving this evening. Michael and Jill and Olivia are getting here on Thursday, and we're so excited to see them.
I will be off work until June 9, and then Chris will be staying home with them.
Thanks to everyone for your thoughts and prayers! We have two healthy, adorable, baby boys, and we couldn't ask for more.
Love, j&c
Friday, May 2, 2008
Baby Herbs!
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