Saturday, December 19, 2009

The Herb's with Santa and Mrs. Claus

We had a fun time at our public library, hearing Christmas stories and getting our picture taken with The Claus's. The twins were terrified and wouldn't go near them, so we had all of us in the picture. Maybe next year they won't be so scared.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Marjorie Paula Goodman, 1919 - 2009

My beautiful grandmother passed away this week. She was 90 years old, and she was ready to go; she was a devout Christian and she's now in Heaven with my grandfather who we lost in 2001. Grandma Marjie was my mom's mom, and I am so lucky to have been her granddaughter.

When I was growing up, they had a farm in Albany, Oregon, and I spent a lot of time there. My grandmother was a platoon leader for the local strawberry farmer, so every summer, my cousins, my uncle Wayne, and I would hop on the bus (it was parked at their house, and Grandpa drove it!) at a very, very dark early hour and head to the strawberry patch. We picked strawberries all day, and then got back on the bus for the long ride back to the farm. I loved picking strawberries, and I liked the spending money I made.

When Grandma and Grandpa retired, they bought a motor home and joined Thousand Trails. They'd take us grandkids with them camping each summer; we especially loved going over to Pacific City on the Oregon Coast.

Whenever we were all together as a family we ate lots of good food, and we were always telling stories and laughing. My grandma and grandpa were married more than 60 years; they had 4 kids, 9 grandkids, more great-grandkids than I can count, and two great-great-grandchildren so far.

We were blessed to be able to celebrate Grandma's 90th birthday this summer; we will all miss her so much.

We love you, Grandma.

j&c, m&t&c

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Wonderful holidays!

Hello! Lots of wonderful things going on! Chris's dad, Frank, came to visit so it's been wonderful to spend time with him. He then went off to Florida to spend Thanksgiving with his sister Anita, and brother-in-law Bill. He had a great time there at The Villages. My dad came for Thanksgiving week and spent lots of time with Matt, Thomas, and Christian. They learned how to call him Papa right away, which was very cute. Frank is now back from Florida and will spend some more time with us before heading back home to San Diego.

On Saturday I got to have a spa day with my amazing friend, Amy! We met out at the Wild Horse Pass spa, Ajji, at about 8:30 a.m. First, we went for a walk along their gorgeous 2.5 mile interpretive trail that ran along the golf course. Then, we took a Pilates class (I'm still sore!), and then Amy had a massage, and I had a facial. We then had lunch by the pool. It was the perfect weather, sunny and clear and low 70s. Wonderful, relaxing day!!! Amy came over on Sunday to meet our little guys before she flew back home to the Bay Area.

I've posted lots of pics here.

Love, j&c, m&t&c

Thursday, November 12, 2009

November update

Sorry it's been so long since I've updated our blog!! I don't have a lot of time available as you might imagine. This is my last week before I head back to work on Monday. It has gone so fast!! We've been doing a lot of cleaning and organizing. We're always trying to stay one step ahead of the twins to keep them in a safe place. They are climbing everything in sight! We basically moved everything out of the living room except the couch and chair and their toys. It's gated in, and they have the entire run of the room. Earlier this week we moved everything off the carpet and cleaned the carpet. We moved the bookcase into the family room, and I cleaned and organized that. Then, since I was in the cleaning mode, I cleared out 4 bags of clothes from my closet and took them to Goodwill. I still need to go through my dresser and get that cleaned out. I guess I'm still nesting!!

The twins went to the doctor last week for their 18-month check-up. They're doing great. They haven't gained much weight; they're still at about 27 or 28 lbs. They're tall, at 34". Christian had his check-up yesterday. He has gained 3 lbs since he was born and is now up to 10 1/2 lbs. He's grown 1 1/2 inches to 21 1/2". We blessed that they're all healthy and doing just fine.

That's all for now!

Love, j&c, m&t&c

Monday, October 19, 2009

First Haircuts!

I took the twins to get their first big-boy haircuts yesterday to a place called Cool Cuts 4 Kids. They got to sit in little cars and watch an Elmo video while they got their hair cut. They did great! No crying or anything, and they stayed fairly still during their cuts. They look so cute!!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

New Little Baby Herb Arrives!

We are so happy to welcome Christian McCoy Herb to our family! He arrived a week early on Sunday, October 4, at 10:25 p.m. 7 lbs, 9 oz, and 20 inches long. He has a little bit of dark hair and is a sweet little guy!

Thanks so much to everyone for their prayers and well-wishes.

Love, j&c, m&t&c

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Getting Close!

Just 2 more weeks to go! Mom has changed her flight so she can get here on October 1 instead of October 8, so we're looking forward to her getting here on Thursday. It will be so nice to have her help with the twins.

I went to The Little Gym yesterday morning for a free trial class for Matt and Thomas. Thomas had a rough time; he's nervous about new people and places, so I had to hold him most of the time so he wouldn't cry. Matt ran around exploring and having fun. One of the other moms was so sweet and held Thomas for a little while so I could play with Matt. He walked on the balance beam and did some backward rolls. Please follow the link below for a cute video!

We got back home just after 9 and had a big breakfast--scrambled eggs, veggie sausage patties, strawberries, and blueberries. Chris had to work from 11 - 7, so we were just home hanging out and doing chores. The little guys didn't take any naps, but they had a great day playing. They were very ready for bed at 6, so, they got in their cribs, and we read several stories. They love the Big Dog and Little Dog books by Dav Pilkey and Where's Spot? by Eric Hill, and of course, Good Night, Moon. We read Olivia for the first time, too, and they seemed to like it.

Chris's friend, Robbie, is in Phoenix this weekend for the Cardinals/Colts game. They're going to go play golf this morning. Wish we could have the whole family over, but it's a quick trip for them, and they're staying all the way over in Mesa.

Copy & paste this link into your browser to see the video:


xo, j&c, m&t

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Sunday update

4 weeks to go!! The ETA of our newest little Herb is October 11. I'm 36 weeks along today. Getting very ready for him to arrive. We've finally settled upon his name--Christian McCoy Herb.

Chris has been working at the Y now for a few weeks, and he really likes it. Once I'm back in action, we'll join as a family and be able to take the kids there to play while we use the gym.

Apartment news: Sadly, one of our tenants passed away a couple of weeks ago. Royle had been with us at our Glendale apartments since we first bought them. She was a bit grumpy, but in general we all came to like one another over the years. She made beautiful quilts, and she was making quilts for the twins. They didn't get finished before she died, but lucky for us, Jill's mom, Helen, is going to finish them. They are very special to us; they have a Phoenix Suns theme, with pictures of the little guys. Her passing leaves us with an apartment that needs lots of work. One of our other tenants is going to remove all the trash, strip out the popcorn ceiling, and pull up the carpet. Then he's going to paint for us. He has a friend who can get us tile for a good price, and we have a tile-layer who will meet us there Friday to give us a quote on tiling the whole place. Then, it'll just be a matter of cleaning and hanging blinds. We hope to be able to rent it within the next couple of months.

Here are some pictures from today.

xo, j&c, m&t

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

An update on the newest Herb-to-be!

We had our doctor's appointment on Monday, with an ultrasound. The baby seems to be doing just fine--they estimate he weighs about 4 lbs, 12 oz, so he's right on target. He's supposed to be gaining an ounce a day for the next 5 1/2 weeks. He was being very shy and wouldn't let us get a good look at his face, but I have a couple of profile pics. It's a little hard to see, but basically, it's the left side of his face, looking up, and you can see his mouth and nose.

The twinnie boy Herbs are doing just great. They had salmon cakes for dinner tonight and ate most of them! They had chicken for lunch, which is their favorite. Plus, they always have lots of fresh fruit--turns out they really don't care much for cantaloupe or pineapple, but they love strawberries and blueberries and grapes and bananas.

Chris is at work tonight--his birthday! Thanks Mom and Jill and Michael and Olivia and Alicia and Frank for the birthday wishes! We'll have a nice dinner with cake on Friday night when he doesn't have to work.

That's all for now.

xo, j&c, m&t

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Recent Pics of the Little Guys

The Baby Herbs at 15 Months

We had their 15-month check-up yesterday, and they're doing just great! Matt is now 27 lbs and 32 1/2 inches tall. He's in the 75th percentile for his weight and 90th percentile for his height. Thomas is almost exactly the same--27 lbs and 32 inches tall. This makes him in the 75th percentile for both. They had their last PC and HIB shots, so that wraps up all the shots they're going to have for several years. We used the modified plan of vaccinating suggested by Dr. Sears.

I had my doctor's appointment on Monday, and all's well with me and the new little guy, too. I've gained about 16 lbs, which is good. They said to gain 20-25. I have just under 8 weeks to go!! No signs of any problems, thankfully. In two weeks, we'll go in for an ultrasound to check out how the little one is growing and developing. We're looking forward to that.

Chris got a job at the Y! We're very excited about this. It's part-time and very flexible, so we'll be able to work it out with my schedule and one of us will always be able to be with the babies. He worked at the Y in Encinitas for many years, so he's familiar with most everything there. He started last evening.

I'll post some new pics soon.

Love, j&c, m&t

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Let's try this again

Another test. Keep your fingers crossed! j

Just a test

Hi Everyone! I'm trying to figure out how to link up my blog and Twitter. I'm not the techiest person, so we'll see how long it takes before I give up! xo, j

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Hi everyone! We've been having a fun summer so far. It's hot here, but I mainly stay in doors if I can help it. Chris loves the heat and goes out all the time. Last weekend we went to a barbecue at our friends Jen and Janine's--they have twinnie girls the same age as our little guys. They had yummy salmon, chicken, pasta salad, and fruit. The boys had a great time playing with the other kids there. They also loved the salmon.

I spent this past week working in Northern Arizona. I visited the libraries in Page, Flagstaff, Cave Creek, Prescott, Cottonwood, and Sedona. It's beautiful up that way, and thankfully, much cooler!

Yesterday we took the boys to the mall in Chandler; it has a great kids play area, and the little guys had fun walking around, playing with the toys, and watching all the other kids. It was a bit of a mad-house, with lots and lots of kids, so some day we'll have to try to go back when it's not so busy.

We got the boys their own little wooden high chairs that scoot right up to the table. They've been having fun eating from their own plates and feeding themselves. I still have to feed them anything that needs a spoon, but they much prefer being able to eat finger-foods. They eat a lot of fruit--blueberries, cut-up grapes, bananas, oranges--turkey hot dogs, ground turkey, chicken, whole wheat bread and bagels, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, peas, corn, cheerios--I can't think of anything that they don't like. They're good eaters!

I'm in town for work this week, and next week we'll head to San Diego for work and play and family. We're looking forward to that.

TTFN! Love, j&c, m&t

Sunday, June 28, 2009

It's been a long time!

Sorry for the lengthy delay between postings! It's so hard to find time to do everything I'd like to do these days. We've had a fun couple of weeks. Chris's dad came to visit over the Father's Day weekend, and we all enjoyed spending time together. Yesterday, we had our friends Jen and Janine over with their little one-year-old twin girls Jordan and Sydney. We had lunch and played in the pool, and the kids seemed to all have a good time, with a few melt-downs here and there. Matt and Thomas hadn't had their usual morning nap, so they were a little grumpy.

Today I found a nice crib on Craigs List and bought it for Thomas. Matt's been sleeping in a regular crib, but Thomas has been in the co-sleeper (portable crib). So, he needed a regular crib, and we'll have the co-sleeper for the new baby. We've re-arranged their room, and it's a tight fit, but it looks pretty good. Thomas seemed happy about his new digs! One of these days, we'd like to create a door between their room and the bedroom next to it--then, we can have the whole big space for the three boys.

I've traveled to Utah and Southern California since the last post, and Friday marked the last day of our fiscal year at Baker & Taylor. It's been a tough year, but I'm eager to see how we ended up. There are a lot of new and exciting things going on, so the next couple of years should be interesting.

The new kitty, Baxter, is fitting in just fine--he gets on the kitchen counters, which we do not like, but we hope to break him of this habit as he gets older.

Our new little baby seems to be fine--I go to the doctor tomorrow for a check-up. I'm feeling good, thankfully.

Looking forward to the holiday weekend coming up!

xo, j&c, m&t